Sunday, 17 March 2013

Wool tidy

If you're reading this blog post its well within the realms of possibility that you are also a wool addict. I'm just potty about crocheting and when people realise that they often donate generous scraps from their bygone knitting projects of yesteryear, to help me in my little crochet accessories business.

To the well trained eye you may be underwhelmed by the quantity of wool here but remember my projects are only a few centimetres big so this really is a mammoth collection for me to crochet into little flowers and creatures so I really am grateful to be the proud owner of such a sumptuous feast of colour and texture.

So tonight I had a big sort out. With a spare shelf in our Ikea storage cabinet and a few left over cocoa drums from my husbands café, I have restored some order for the time being. 

Here. Have a peek...

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