Thursday, 25 September 2014

Poppy Spectacular

On the 4th of October I'm joining a group of the ladies from my church and community, to make tons of poppies in light of our commemorative events over the remembrance weekend. 

We're filling the Church lawn with poppies - crocheted, knitted and felt. I can't wait for this craft-ilicious burst of colour to catch the eye of our neighbourhood. WATCH THIS SPACE

In my day to day life, I look after my (nearly) 1yr old daughter, I see my husband after work and at weekends, I hang out with my friends, I go swimming, I crochet, I buy food and clean and put on the laundry, I enjoy gardening and love to meet new and interesting people on our local high street and at our local jaunts... I can't imagine what it would have been like trying to do these normal activities under the constant threat of bombs and bloodshed. I take my peaceful surroundings for granted. I create stress and drama in my comfortable, safe, first world lifestyle and I forget to thank God for all I have. 

So on the 4th as I crochet and listen to our elderly friends and fellow crafters sharing their wartime experiences, I am going to make a special effort to appreciate all that others have been through, and many in the world still go through. 
It is with warmth (and wool) that we remember those who fought for our peace and freedom in this beautiful, safe home, England.  Lest we forget. 

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