Monday, 17 June 2013

How to Crochet a Bobly Popcorn Stitch

One of the main reasons I LOVE to crochet is because there are always new techniques and stitches to learn, so I never get bored of it. Yesterday I taught myself to do a lovely bobbly popcorn stitch. 

I wanted to learn a stitch that would add cosy texture to my work. I learnt this technique by following the instructions in my The Art of Crochet magazine and it didn't disappoint.

I haven't yet got much to show from my popcorn lessons but I did find these gorgeous pictures on-line to give you a good idea of the depth of this lovely stitch.

Pictures from a little vintage doll who
has crocheted/photographed this beautiful
example of popcorn stitches 

Pictures from a little vintage doll who
has crocheted/photographed this beautiful
example of popcorn stitches 

It didn't take me long to get the hang of it. I want to try to incorporate it into my ongoing blanket project, but it takes quite a lot of time - well worth it, I feel, but we'll see what I can manage with all of my other projects on the go.

If you would like to learn how to do the popcorn stitch you can follow these simple on-line instructions...

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