Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Popcorn Stitch Around A Blanket

I'm having a lot of fun putting that bobbly popcorn stitch around my ongoing blanket. I wanted to give the blanket a bit of texture. With baby number one on the way (due in December) I thought it would be sweet to add these bobbly bits around the outside to add cosy tactility for tiny fingers. I'm hoping to do at least two rows of this in a zigzagging alternating pattern. It takes  a while but is lovely and therapeutic once you get into the rhythm of it. Here are some pictures of one side of one row done, to give you the general idea of how it looks...

To learn how to do the popcorn stitch for yourself, or to find out a bit more about it, click here.

Monday, 17 June 2013

How to Crochet a Bobly Popcorn Stitch

One of the main reasons I LOVE to crochet is because there are always new techniques and stitches to learn, so I never get bored of it. Yesterday I taught myself to do a lovely bobbly popcorn stitch. 

I wanted to learn a stitch that would add cosy texture to my work. I learnt this technique by following the instructions in my The Art of Crochet magazine and it didn't disappoint.

I haven't yet got much to show from my popcorn lessons but I did find these gorgeous pictures on-line to give you a good idea of the depth of this lovely stitch.

Pictures from a little vintage doll who
has crocheted/photographed this beautiful
example of popcorn stitches 

Pictures from a little vintage doll who
has crocheted/photographed this beautiful
example of popcorn stitches 

It didn't take me long to get the hang of it. I want to try to incorporate it into my ongoing blanket project, but it takes quite a lot of time - well worth it, I feel, but we'll see what I can manage with all of my other projects on the go.

If you would like to learn how to do the popcorn stitch you can follow these simple on-line instructions...

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Super-cute Crocheted Pin Cushions

Look at these crazily cute crocheted takes on the traditional pin cushion. Aren't they just the most adorable things!?! 

Follow the links at the bottom of the pictures to see them in their original context. (The first one has a free pattern so you can have a go!)

Free pattern available on amigurumipatterns

By Doni at Whiskers & Wool
By Becky Oh at Eightlegs

I stumbled across these lovelies on pinterest. To see more of my pins click here.