Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Crocheting a small "blankie"

A friend of mine gave me an idea to crochet a simple square and attach a little amigurumi animal to one corner as a really lovely hand-made baby gift.

Here it is, a work in progress.

The square is trebble-crocheted in white cotton and the pink border is a simple scallop stitch running all of the way round in a pink cotton.

I chose to use cotton instead of wool because I wanted it to be really neat (and I thought wool is slightly less suck-proof for a baby) and I ironed it to add to that crisp look.

I'm still undecided on which little animal to crochet in the corner. Will post a pic when it's finished.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Craft fair stall ideas

I always like to have an eye out for unusual vintage objects to hang my crocheted pretties from at craft fairs.

Here is a photo list of four pretty ideas that I've stumbled across on the web.

Picture frame & lace jewellery display
Lace across a frame by
Natty Cooper-Hall

brooch display
Really simple but cute heart brooch display

Would love to try this with balls of wool
Brooch display by
I would love to have a go at making this with balls of wool!

#display #accessory display #craft fair
A pretty way to hang brooches

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Baby mobile inspiration

I have decided to make a baby mobile for a customer who has a budget of around £40. I have been pinning together a moodboard on my pinterest page. Below you can see a few of the pictures that have caught my eye. These are so cute and exquisitely crocheted. I particularly love the weather ideas.  

by FizzPopBang on Flickr
Owl crochet Mobile
by Proud Child Crochet Boutique on Etsy

Crochet Butterfly Mobile
by Carolina Guzman on Ravelry

To view more beautiful baby mobile ideas visit my mood board by clicking here and to see my finished baby mobile that was inspired by these click here.